HEART: The Ultimate Happiness Guide
By Hannah Northcott
“What makes you happy?”
It was a question that my dad used to ask me in my early 20’s – the age where I either hadn’t figured things out or I hadn’t figured myself out. Whatever the case, I found it difficult to answer his question.
Since then, my dad, Dr. Nomer Bernardino, launched into an investigation on the nature of happiness. A master storyteller, author, spiritual minister, and relationship and leadership expert, he wrote “Psalm Kind of Happiness” and has been running “Happiness Seminars” in the Philippines, New Zealand, and has been booked in other countries this year.
Over the recent Christmas holiday, Dr.Bernardino shared with me what he has learned, and how Modern Psychology has revealed four key areas essential to a person’s happiness.
1. Relational Wellbeing
Harvard’s longest research into happiness spanned through 80 years of study, and concluded that good relationships (deep and meaningful) are what matters most. Robert Waldinger’s TED talk expounded on the results sharing that, "Our study has shown that the people who fared the best were the people who leaned into relationships, with family, with friends, with community…"
2. Vocational Wellbeing
How people regard their work contributes to their wellbeing. Ask yourself, “How do I feel about my job?”
Is it a chore, a career or a calling?
A chore is something that must be done to pay the bills.
A career is working hard for professional success and status; a desire to build a name.
A calling is living with passion and purpose in service to others.
Based on research, those that have found their calling, experience a deep sense of fulfillment in their work and are able to push through challenging situations and obstacles while maintaining a sense of purpose.
3. Physical Wellbeing
People who care for their minds (thoughts), heart (emotions), and body (health) create a positive wellbeing. There are mountains of research into the benefits of eating well, exercising, hydrating, and having enough sleep. In addition, mental and emotional health is of prime importance to the overall wellness of a person.
4. Spiritual Wellbeing
People have a deep desire to be seen, heard, loved, and known through a connection with the Divine. Different religions or philosophies have offered various paths in connecting with a Being higher than themselves.
A Reflection
After listening to dad, I reflected on my own life. What area’s am I happy with? Where do I have a need?
A key area for me is relationships. I’m thankful for my marriage and family. We’re happy at home; however, as a woman who usually has a handful of close friends in my circle, I felt a blow when two of our closest family friends moved away at the end of last school year. Itwasn’t just hard for me but for our kids, as well. While I’m thankful to have found my tribe in Beijing through the clothing auctions, fitness groups, and other events I also want to invest more time in developing deeper relationships with friends.
How about you?
Are you happy in Beijing? Have you found deep and meaningful relationships? Do have a job that gives you meaning and purpose? How do you feel about your body? Do you have a fitness program that is do-able and getting you positive results? How is your mental and emotional wellbeing? Do you have a spiritual practice?
What makes you happy? Let us help. At Well, we are passionate about providing support to help the women in their pursuit of happiness. Join us.
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